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Yes, High Holidays sound, and can be, intimidating. But it doesn't have to be. Join us this year for an unforgettable experience. Whether you join us for davening- our unique blend of prayer, song, study and discussion- or a gourmet 4 course Holiday Dinner, or both, this is one you won't forget! There is no cost, everyone is welcome and invited and no prior knowledge needed!
Rosh Hashana (Wednesday September 20): Services (Optional)- 7:00 pm, followed by Dinner- 7:30 pm
Shofar in the Park (Thursday September 21): Shofar blowing and apples+honey in Presidents Park- 3:00 pm
Rosh Hashana Night 2 (Thursday September 21): Services (Optional)- 7:00 pm, followed by Dinner- 7:30 pm
Yom Kippur (Friday September 29) : Pre-Fast Meal- 6:00 pm